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Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015

Seminar: Game-based Learning (GBL) Overview (GBL Faculty/Staff Learning Community)

Sep 15, 2015

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

2030 Morrill Hall


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

In this session, we will introduce what is game-based learning. Summarizing what topics have been discussed during prior meetings. And share the current status of game-based learning implementation in higher education and Iowa State University. This interactive discussion will help examine how game-based learning may guide our students' learning processes and enhance your curriculum.

Thursday, 17 Sep 2015

Study Abroad Fair

Sep 17, 2015

10:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Academic Affairs Student activities

Talk with both ISU programs as well as affiliate programs that specialize in study abroad. The fair puts students in direct contact with program directors offering a wide range of study abroad options in practically any country in the world. It is an opportunity for students to get answers to their questions and make comparisons between programs to help them decide which program best meets their needs and interests.

Friday, 18 Sep 2015

Seminar: Lessons Learned Using a Learning Management System (Blackboard - Faculty/Support Learning Community)

Sep 18, 2015

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

192 Seminar Room, Parks Library

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Topic: Lessons Learned Using a Learning Management System (LMS) - During this meeting, instructional designers from ELO (Engineering LAS Online) and English department will share their lessons learned and tips of using an LMS to enhance teaching.