ExamSoft + Gradescope live demo

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 08 Mar 2022 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location:Online, via Webex
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Can technology effectively help with assessing student learning progress, identifying knowledge gaps, and supporting academic success? Attend a live demonstration of an assessment platform to help us find the answer. You will be able to view ExamSoft, a finalist in ISU's assessment request for proposal (RFP) call.

ExamSoft seeks to improve student learning through secure assessment tools and software which provide valuable data, insights, and reports to support academic success. The (better than) bubble-sheet solution called Gradescrope partners with ExamSoft and is highly applicable for STEM disciplines and assessment requiring sketching graphs and charts and writing formulas by hand.

Do ExamSoft and Gradescope offer sufficient capabilities for what you need to accomplish in your face-to-face, online and hybrid classrooms? Will they become the next assessment solution for ISU? Attend the demo and provide your feedback via electronic voting.

Attend through Webex and register through this Webex form.

If you are a person with a disability, please contact CELT via the above phone number or email address to request reasonable accommodations to allow participation in this event.