Celebration of Life: Hector Avalos

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Date/Time:Sunday, 15 Aug 2021 at 1:00 pm
Location Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Cost Cost:Free
URL URL:https://www.grandonfuneralandcremationca...r--Avalos/
Contact Contact:Cindy Avalos
Phone Phone:310-849-8664
Channel Channel:Community
Categories Categories:Special events
Actions Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Professor of religious studies Hector Avalos died April 12 after a battle with cancer.

He joined the religious studies faculty at Iowa State in 1993 and founded the U.S. Latino/a studies program. In 1999, he co-founded the ISU Atheist and Agnostic Society, which primarily serves students who do not use religion as a way to live in this world.

Avalos published 10 scholarly books and other materials on topics such as ancient health care, biblical studies, ethics, science and religion, and U.S. Latina and Latino literature.