Web talk, Mitigating pre-college socioeconomic barriers to STEM education

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Date/Time:Friday, 29 Jan 2021 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location:online only - via Zoom from Yale University
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Diversity Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Inclusive education has always been about attending to more than content delivery, and incorporates how pedagogies address socio-psychological contingencies students may need to process. Brought on by persistent general social inequity, these contingencies continue to present themselves as barriers in STEM classrooms.

Here, we discuss the externalities that might be brought on by pre-college socioeconomic variables, and discuss specific strategies to mitigate their effects, and cultivate an academic environment of excellence for all students.

About the presenter, Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island

To join this web talk
Register via Web talk, Mitigating pre-college socioeconomic barriers to STEM education - Zoom registration website.

Series Overview
The Scientific Teaching in Practice Webinar Series extends the learning and dialogue that occurs at the Summer Institutes (SI) on Scientific Teaching into a year-round community that supports and inspires evidence-based teaching. Each month, the SI community is invited to attend an interactive webinar related to the practice and/or dissemination of scientific teaching. The webinar will be facilitated by someone experienced in that area, integrating significant time for questions and open discussion. Webinars are open to SI alums as well as those generally interested in scientific teaching and evidence-based teaching strategies.

Coordinated by the following
The series is brought to you by Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and National Institute on Scientific Teaching.

This web talk is promoted by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT).