Faculty workshop: Using Storytelling to Build Your Personal Brand

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 24 Sep 2019 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Location:Gold Room, Memorial Union
Contact:Katharine Hensley
Channel:Academic Affairs
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This workshop is designed to help faculty identify ways in which they can create and share their own personal story in academia. It will be facilitated by Erin Wilgenbusch, associate teaching professor in the Greenlee School. Register via Learn (at) ISU.

Participants will explore ways to internally and externally examine their work and find their story and the tools available to help them share that story. Bring an electronic device (phone, tablet, laptop) that can connect to the internet.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Register in Learn@ISU:
- Log in using your ISU netID and password (top right)
- Select "Course Catalogue" from the menu (top left)
- Scroll to SVPP events
- Click "List Events" next to the event you would like to attend
- Select "Enroll" in the pop-up window, the event will be added to your menu