Open forum: VRAC director finalist

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Date/Time:Friday, 01 Feb 2019 from 8:00 am to 9:00 am
Location:Room 0274 Carver Hall
Contact:Brett Willenborg
Channel:College of Engineering
Categories:Meetings, receptions
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Eliot Winer, associate director of the Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC), is a finalist for the VRAC director position.

Winer is a professor in the departments of mechanical engineering and electrical and computer engineering (courtesy appointment), and a faculty affiliate of the human computer interaction graduate program.

He teaches courses on mechanical systems design, optimization and professional ethics. His research interests include large-scale collaborative design methods; analysis, visualization and interaction with large data sets (i.e., "Big Data"); multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization; computer-aided design and graphics; and virtual reality and augmented reality for use in engineering design and manufacturing. Winer is a co-founder of three startup companies, the most recent of which is BodyViz.