Workshop Series: The research-based flipped classroom - Team-Based Learning

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 23 Jan 2019 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"The research-based flipped classroom and team-based learning (TBL)," an increasingly-popular form of flipped-classroom where small-group learning that can be implemented effectively in small or large classes.

** This Team-Based Learning Workshop Series (TBL) meets once weekly for five consecutive weeks on Wednesdays for Spring 2019: January 23 and 30, February 6, 13, and 20 (3:30-5:00 p.m., 2030 Morrill Hall) **

TBL was originally developed nearly 40 years ago by a professor of organizational psychology to maximize the power of teams, and carefully designed to avoid the pitfalls of small group learning. TBL provides students with a more intimate, small class feel even in large theater-style classrooms with fixed seats. TBL teachers report high levels of student attendance, preparation, participation and critical thinking. TBL students report enjoying class and being more motivated and actively engaged. Collaboration in teams builds student problem-solving skills that are valued by employers in real-life workplace environments. Just like on the job, participants are expected to be responsible and prepared as individuals and then bring their best efforts into group activities.

** This Team-Based Learning Workshop Series (TBL) meets once weekly for five consecutive weeks on Wednesdays for Spring 2019: January 23 and 30, February 6, 13 and 20 (3:30 - 5:00 p.m., 2030 Morrill Hall) **

Facilitator: Holly Bender, CELT Associate Director.

*Getting Started with Team-Based Learning*
The book for this series, is available for check out at Parks Library or download the eBook via Park Library's Getting Started with Team-Based Learning website. Additionally, CELT will have copies available for check-out prior to the event please email to request your copy.

*Registration opens on October 1 and is required to attend all 5 consecutive meetings and is required for this event prior to January 23, 2019.*

*Register for CELT events online through the Learn@ISU website website:*
1. Visit the Learn@ISU website
2. Login with your Net-ID (username) and password (upper right corner) *Note:* Your Net-ID will be the prefix in your ISU email account ([netid]
3. Click the Login button
4. Locate the Keyword search box (upper left section) > Input "CELT" > Click Search
5. Locate the program > Click List Events next to the appropriate cohort/program
6. Click Enroll - a pop-up window will appear
7. Click Register
8. You will receive an email with the subject: Enrollment Confirmation


By Email
Please include:
1. your name
2. your department
3. your position (instructor, faculty, P&S staff, or teaching or graduate assistantship)
4. name of the event
5. date of the event


By Phone at 294-5357.

This event is coordinated by The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching