Local Food Festival: An Adventure in Eating

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 25 Sep 2019 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
Location Location:Central Campus
Cost Cost:Free
URL URL:https://www.extension.iastate.edu/ffed/i...-festival/
Contact Contact:Merry Rankin
Phone Phone:515-294-5052
Channel Channel:Live Green
Categories Categories:Live Green
Actions Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Celebrating local food with educational displays, food samples, local food recipes developed by ISU Dining chefs, and locally grown and produced items for sale by farmers, vendors and ISU student clubs.

Sponsored by Horticulture Research Station, Iowa Farmers Union, ISU Dining, ISU Extension and Outreach, ISU Extension and Outreach Agriculture and Natural Resources, ISU Extension and Outreach Local Foods Program, ISU Extension and Outreach Organic Agriculture Program, ISU Extension and Outreach SNAP-Education Program, ISU Office of Sustainability, ISU Sustainable Agriculture Student Association and ISU WellBeing.