Workshop: Using Free, Openly-Licensed Textbooks in Your Classroom

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 17 Oct 2018 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Are you concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? In this workshop, a representative from the Open Textbook Network will guide you through the the benefits of open textbooks and answer your questions. Capacity is limited and open textbooks are not available for all disciplines.

To participate, browse the Open Textbook Library for open textbooks in your discipline and register at

Learn (at) ISU

*How to Register*

1. Visit the Learn@ISU website:*
2. Login with your Net-ID (username) and password (upper right corner)
3. Locate the Keyword search box (upper left section) > Input "CELT" > Click Search
4. Locate the program > Click List Events next to the appropriate cohort/program
5. Click Enroll - a pop-up window will appear
6. Click Register
7. You will receive an email with the subject: Enrollment Confirmation

Or if you would prefer:
Call CELT at 515-294-5357 / email & specify: event title, date, name, department & email