Workshop: Supporting and Managing Staff

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Date/Time:Monday, 09 Apr 2018 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location:Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Contact:Katharine Hensley
Channel:Academic Affairs
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This session highlights ISU policies and procedures, and provides valuable resources to help faculty manage and support their research staffs, including post docs and graduate assistants. Register via Learn (at) ISU by April 6.

It will be led by Brenda Behling, director of academic policy and personnel, Provost Office; and Stephanie Sobotka, employee and labor relations, university human resources.

The session will briefly address questions such as:
- What is the difference between P&S staff, Merit staff, Post Docs, Graduate Assistants and hourly staff?
- Which policies and procedures should I understand in order to master this supervisor role?
- How can I support staff?
- What does it take to effectively manage performance?

Light refreshments will be provided.

To register, go to Learn@ISU.
1. Log in using your ISU netID and password (top right)
2. Select Course Catalogue from the menu (top left)
3. Scroll to SVPP events
4. Click 'List Events' next to the event you would like to attend
5. Select Enroll in the pop-up window; the event will be added to your Menu.