Workshop: Documenting Your Research Impact and Increasing Visibility
Date/Time: | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2018 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm |
Location: | Cardinal Room, Memorial Union |
Cost: | Free |
Contact: | Katharine Hensley, faculty success coordinator |
Phone: | 515-294-8823 |
Channel: | Academic Affairs |
Categories: | Meetings, receptions Training, development |
Actions: | Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder |
The workshop will cover:
- An introduction to impact metrics and sources (including journal impact factors and altmetrics)
- Locating information on who is citing your work and creating reports in Web of Science and Scopus
- A discussion of methods for increasing scholarly visibility such as Google Scholar and ORCiD profiles, Digital Repository @ ISU and open access publishing
Co-sponsored by Office of Senior Vice President and Provost, the Office of Vice President for Research and the ISU Library. Light refreshments will be provided.
To register:
- Go to the Learn@ISU site
- Log in using your ISU netID and password (top right)
- Select Course Catalogue from the menu (top left)
- Scroll to SVPP events
- Click 'List Events' next to the event you would like to attend