Reception: "Ambiguity, Mystery and Allure" exhibit

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Date/Time:Friday, 26 Jan 2018 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Location:Christian Petersen Art Museum, 1017 Morrill Hall
Contact:University Museums
Channel:University Museums
Categories:Arts, performances Meetings, receptions
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Manuel Neri became an important leader in San Francisco's Bay Area Figurative Art Movement of the mid-20th Century by redefining the means of expression through the human figure. Join us for an exhibition reception hosted by Dr. Sarah Nusser, Vice President for Research, and Lynette Pohlman, Director and Chief Curator of University Museums, that celebrates this significant American sculptor through his drawings, paintings and sculpture.

This exhibition was organized by the University Museums in partnership with the Clarinda Carnegie Art Museum and was co-curated by Anne Pagel and Anne Kohs.

R.S.V.P. not required. On campus parking available at the Memorial Union ramp (fees apply). Free shuttle beginning at 3:45pm from the north Scheman Building parking lot. Shuttle runs on loop between Morrill Hall and Scheman Bldg. every 15 minutes.