Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Symposium

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Date/Time:Friday, 30 Mar 2018 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Location:Alumni Center
Channel:Graduate College
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"The Past and Future of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology," with keynote speakers Volker Brendel, Indiana University; Adina Howe, ISU; John Van Hemert, DuPont Pioneer; and Matt Wilkerson, Uniformed Services University.


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Keynote Speakers
- Volker Brendel, Professor of Biology and Computer Science, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Adina Howe, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, ISU, Genomics and Environmental Research in Microbial Systems
- John Van Hemert, Research Scientist - Bioinformatics @ DuPont Pioneer
- Matt Wilkerson, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics and Bioinformatics Director of the Uniformed Services University's American Genome Center, Collaborative Health Initiative Research Program (CHIRP), Bethesda, Maryland

About the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Symposium
The 4th annual symposium brings together researchers across diverse disciplines and departments to share their research results, network and build collaborations in the areas of bioinformatics and computational biology. It features three keynote speakers who are conducting cutting-edge research that spans the breadth of research foci within the BCB program at Iowa State.

In addition to keynote seminars from invited guests, the symposium will include a poster session that showcases graduate and undergraduate student research, short invited research talks by graduate students in the BCB graduate program and time for faculty, staff and student attendees to network and build collaborations.