Brain Fix: Using Neuroscience and Nutrition as a Metaphor for Recovery

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Date/Time:Thursday, 20 Feb 2014 at 7:00 pm
Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Student activities
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Dr. Ralph Carson is a clinical nutritionist and exercise physiologist who has been involved in the clinical treatment of addictions, obesity, and eating disorders for more than 30 years. He currently manages Oprah Winfrey's web page on eating disorders and is the consultant for Pine Grove's eating disorder program. Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Dr. Carson is also a nutritional advisor to numerous university athletic departments, including the University of Tennessee National Basketball Champion Lady Volunteers. With a Bachelor of Health Science degree from Duke University Medical School and a PhD in nutrition from Auburn University, he offers a unique understanding of health, wellness, exercise, and nutrition and how they all affect brain health.