A Decade in Pursuit of Kony: The Unorthodox Ways of Building a Movement

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Date/Time:Monday, 09 Apr 2012 at 8:00 pm
Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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Bobby Bailey is cofounder of Invisible Children. He and two friends established the organization in 2005 after a life-changing trip to Africa, where they discovered the story of the children in Northern Uganda who were being abducted from their homes and forced to fight as child soldiers by the rebel group the Lords Resistance Army. World Affairs Series.

After returning home the three friends made the documentary "Invisible Children: Rough Cut" and began screening it at high schools, colleges and churches. The organization now engages youth around the world, using the power of film, social media and storytelling to connect them in a very personal way to sustainable development programs in Uganda. Invisible Children has reached over 3 million people and raised over $25 million dollars for awareness, advocacy and development programs.

Invisible Children has been appealing for an internationally led strategy to rescue Joseph Kony's child soldiers. In 2010, President Barack Obama signed a bill into law to remove Joseph Kony from power and save the lives of millions of Ugandan citizens - largely as a result of Invisible Children's efforts.

Its recent video "Kony 2012" went viral, helping to make the LRA and Joseph Kony's alleged crimes more widely known and prompting the African Union to deploy troops to capture the rebel leader.