Friday, 04 Sep 2009
Audit Deadline
Last day to elect to audit a course for fall. The instructor of the course must approve an audit.
Pass/Not Pass Deadline
Last day to change a full-semester or first half-semester course from Pass/Not Pass to grade basis without it counting toward total allowable P/NP credits used for graduation.
Return textbooks
Last day to return textbooks for refund to University Book Store. Exclusions apply.
Tuition and Fee Adustment Deadline
Last day to receive a tuition and fee adjustment for full-semester courses when dropping below full-time status. No refunds for full-semester courses after day 10 of the semester.
Dreamweaver -- Level I: Basic
A beginning course to learn the basics of Dreamweaver. Online registration at
Information session: University Honors seminars
Learn about teaching an Honors program seminar during spring semester. Seminar proposals are due Sept. 15. This session will be repeated at 3:10 p.m.
Works in Progress lecture series
"Architectura Numismatica: Ancient Coins as Sources for Renaissance Architects," John Cunnally, ISU art history. All are welcome.
ISU Afterdark Craft Nights at the Workspace
7-9pm Design henna tattos.
vs. DePaul
Free Bowling & Billiards
Free bowling & billiards for ISU students. Must show student ID. Sponsored by ISU AfterDark.