Thursday, 03 Sep 2009
2010-2015 Strategic Plan: Open forum
Provide input to members of the writing and steering committee for the university's next strategic plan as they begin their work.
Open forum: Update on State Gym addition and renovation
Provided by dean of students Dione Somerville and interim director of recreation services Scott White. Hosted by the P&S Council; all are welcome.
Excel Express (2007)
This short course introduces basic spreadsheet creation and concepts. Online registration at
Open house
The Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE) and the Psychology in Education Research Laboratory (PERL) have remodeled facilities in the east garden level of Lagomarcino. Refreshments will be served.
Presentation: "What is RISE and What are They Doing Down Under?"
Presentation given by staff and students of the Research Institute for Studies in Education. Preceded by open house (1-2:30 p.m., E005, E006, E012 and E016 Lagomarcino)
Cyclone Central Tailgate
Tailgate prior to ISU vs. North Dakota State football game. Live band; food & beverages from Hickory Park for purchase. Appearance by Cy and the spirit squad.
ISU vs. North Dakota State.