Tuesday, 28 Apr 2009
Reiman Gardens: Story Time
"Digging into Caves," story time and crafts inspired by featured childrens books.
Research presentations
Presentations by AESHM department faculty, including: "Will it Happen to Me? A Look at How Urban and non-Urban Consumers Perceive Identity Theft," Axton Bertz; "Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Retail: A Content Analytic Approach to Understanding Past Imperfections and Future Imperatives," Mansi Batra and Linda Niehm; and "An Entry Mode Decision Model for the Apparel Market," Yao Lu, Elena Karpova and Ann Marie Fiore.
Auditions for "The Odd Couple"
Roles are available for two women and eight men. A copy of the script can be checked out in 2130 Pearson Hall ($5 refundable deposit required). Audition monologues will also be available (no deposit required). Sign up to audition in 2130 Pearson Hall. For more information e-mail jfcox@iastate.edu. Performance dates: September 25-27 and October 2-4. Funded by GSB.
Lecture: Gut feelings
"Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious," Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. Reception precedes the lecture at 7 p.m.