Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025
People to People Career Fair
Learn about career paths, find out what skills and experiences employers and professional schools are seeking, find job and internship opportunities, and more. Open to all majors and other job seekers. Focus areas: Communications and Media, Community and Social Services, Education, Training and Library, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality and Food, Human Resources, Law Enforcement Nonprofit Administration, Professional Schools in Health and Law.
Art Walk: Mosaic and Tile
In the University Museums' Art on Campus Collection, mosaic and tile art are present within several installations across campus. Look at science-inspired mosaics included in the Molecular Biology Building and Hach Hall.
Concert: Jazz Night
Performances by ISU's jazz ensembles. Tickets available at the door.
Grandma Mojo's Improv Comedy
Iowa State's premier student improv comedy troupe! They perform in the M-Shop on select Wednesday nights during the semester.