Thursday, 02 May 2019
CODAC Spring Sale
Day 2 of biannual sale of work by students in the integrated studio arts (undergraduate) and integrated visual arts (graduate) programs, sponsored by CODAC (College of Design Art Club). Work may include ceramics, prints, photos, woods, metals and textiles.
Comfort dogs will be available during dead week, along with chair massages and other stress-reducing activities.
Design Expo: Mechanical engineering
The expo showcases the work of mechanical engineering students in semester-long design projects. ME 270 projects aim to support economic activity in developing regions. ME 415 projects are industrial-sponsored projects giving students a hands-on experience solving applied industrial problems. ME 466 projects connect mechanical, electrical and aerospace engineers in the solution of a single design problem.
Meeting: Professional and Scientific Council
The P&S Council is a representative body elected by, and responsible to, Professional and Scientific employees at Iowa State University. Meetings are open to the public.
Banquet: Sigma Xi honor society
The newest members of the Sigma Xi scientific research honor society will be inducted at the banquet. Reservation deadline is April 25.
Entrepreneurship Showcase
Interact with students as they pitch their business ideas and vie for awards.