Wednesday, 17 Apr 2019
Iowa International Outreach Symposium
Presenters will offer information about activities that are positively impacting rural livelihood in Sub-Saharan Africa, including the Rockefeller Foundation's YieldWise Initiative, ISU's Uganda Program and Engineers without Borders' student chapter program in Ghana's upper west region. Networking forums also will be offered, featuring collaboration opportunities with organizations. Registration is free.
Research: National Institutes of Health Proposal Workshop
Dr. Norbert Tavares, program manager at the NIH-NCI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives and a 2017-19 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellow, will present a one-hour seminar about NIH funding mechanisms, common things to know, available tools and more. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation.
Behind the Scenes: Greenhouse production
Scoop the loop of the various greenhouses and the headhouse handling area with Jessie Liebenguth, for an up-close look at our back-end growing and plant maintenance practices.
Architecture Research Exchange Spring 2019 Mini-Series
Associate professors of architecture Dan Naegele and Doug Spencer will share their recent work in this third Architecture Research Exchange event. All are welcome.
Art Walk: An Artful Meal
Join University Museums' in Friley Hall's Windows cafeteria to learn more about the newest art installations.
Walk-in Craft: Grad Cap Decorating
Mortar boards are perfect blank canvases for a positive affirmation, a thank you to parents, or a good laugh. Designs will be made on a board that will attach to your grad hat, so you don't have to bring yours in. We will have design ideas and a table full of supplies so you will stand out in the sea of ISU graduates!
*CANCELED* Lecture: Indigenous Food Systems and the Honorable Harvest
This event has been canceled due to travel complications. The poster session is being rescheduled. "Renewing Reciprocity: Indigenous Food Systems and the Honorable Harvest." Robin Wall Kimmerer, keynote speaker for the 2019 Sustainable Agriculture Symposium, is a Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental Biology at SUNY and the author of "Braiding Sweetgrass."