Monday, 14 Sep 2009
Word 2007 In-Depth
First of two sessions that takes an in-depth look into the basic concepts of Word 2007. (Second session is on September 16.) This course is limited to 8 attendees. Online registration at
CESMEE seminar
Mark Windschitl, University of Washington, will discuss developing outstanding science teachers at the first seminar this academic year for the Center for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering.
Horticulture seminar
"Ethidium-bromide induced mutations from inflorescence cultures of Indiangrass," Loren Stephens, ISU horticulture.
Symposium with artist Bill Barnes
All are invited to join in a symposium hosted by the Department of Statistics with special guest Bill Barnes co-artist of the new Snedecor mural installation "Inferences Drawn".
Class: Cornucopia Basket, Section II
6-9pm Learn to weave a cornucopia basket.
Class: Venetian Glass Beads, Section I
6-8pm for 5 weeks Learn to create beads.
Class: Curtiss Hall Field Trip
6:30-8:30pm for 2 weeks Field Trip for Photographers.
Class: Wheel Refresher
6:30-8pm for 2 weeks Review the basics.
Seminar: credit card debt
This free financial literacy seminar will feature Tom Coates, Consumer Credit of Des Moines, and is free and open to the entire Ames and ISU community. Register for the seminar by sending an email to
Seminar: Financial literacy
"Credit Card Debt," Tom Coates, Consumer Credit of Des Moines. Space is limited; please register in advance to
Osborn Club seminar
Pat Schnable, Professor, department of agronomy, will be the guest speaker at the next Osborn Club seminar. His presentation is titled, "Analysis of the Maize Genome Reveals New Opportunities for Crop Improvement."
Lecture: "The Difficulty of Dating in a Hook-up Culture"
"The Difficulty of Dating in a Hook-up Culture." Christine Whelan is a professor, journalist and author of Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women and Marry Smart: The Intelligent Woman's Guide to True Love. She also writes a bi-weekly relationship advice column for BustedHalo.