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What is featured?

Thursday, 10 Sep 2009

Lecture: Brown Bag Lecture at Reiman Gardens

Sep 10, 2009

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Reiman Gardens

Free for CoHorts' members; price of admission for general public. Free for ISU students.

Reiman Gardens Lectures Special events

Bring your lunch to the Gardens and enjoy an education program. Attend each month and experience a new topic presented by local and regional professionals and lecturers.

Open forum: 2010-15 Strategic Plan

Sep 10, 2009

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Cardinal Room, Memorial Union


Diversity and Inclusion Office Meetings, receptions

Provide input to members of the writing and steering committee for the university's next strategic plan as they begin their work.

PowerPoint 2007 Express

Sep 10, 2009

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

89 Durham Center

$25 faculty/staff; no charge for students.

University Training, development

This hands-on course presents an overview of the key steps used to create a simple presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. Online registration at

Computer science colloquia

Sep 10, 2009

3:40 PM

B29 Atanasoff


Groups, governance Lectures

Pawel Gorecki, Warsaw University, will present "Unrooted Reconciliation."

Exhibition reception

Sep 10, 2009

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Brunnier Art Museum, 295 Scheman Building


University Museums Arts, performances Meetings, receptions

"ReLationShips: From Our Roots." Executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman and the Integrated Studio Arts faculty invite you to join them in celebrating the exhibition. Enjoy refreshments, conversation, and a brief program at 5 p.m. with remarks from Hoffman, College of Design dean Luis Rico-Gutierrez, art and design Chair Roger Baer, and guest curator Ingrid Lilligren.

Class: Glass Etching: Cyclone Mugs

Sep 10, 2009

6:00 PM


ISU students $30; public $35

The Workspace Arts, performances

6-8pm for 2 weeks Glass etching onto mugs.

Class: Tango with La Vikinga

Sep 10, 2009

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM


$25 for 1 class, $35 for 2 classes

The Workspace Arts, performances

6 p.m.: intermediate-level workshop on the Milonga dance with Helen La Vikinga, professional dance teacher from Buenos Aires. 7:30 p.m.: all-levels workshop on the Argentinean Tango. 9 p.m.: Queer Tango - dance practice session (no charge for this session). Singles and couples are welcome.

Class: Screenprinting, Section I

Sep 10, 2009

6:30 PM


ISU students $47; public $52

The Workspace Arts, performances

6:30-8:30pm for 4 weeks Create custom t-shirts.

Faculty forum: Health Care Reform

Sep 10, 2009

8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Iowa State faculty will share their research contributing to the current debate on health care reform. Participants include Liesl Eathington, economics; Mark Imerman, economics; Doug Walker, marketing; Dr. Michael Kitchell, McFarland Clinic; and Dianne Bystrom, director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics.