Monday, 01 Apr 2019
April Craft of the Month: Doodle Lanterns
Create a pattern, skyline, lettering, doodles or other drawings on tissue paper with a variety of black sharpies, and glue it to glassware of your choice. Drop in a tea light to add a charming element to your space.
Seminar series: Interpersonal Communication
Part III: Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones and Words Will Never Hurt Me: Verbal Messages
Better Flower Photography
When you capture an image of a flower, all too often the results can be disappointing. It's easy to end up with a lackluster snapshot with little artistic merit. This four-week program meets on Mondays.
Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics: Florence George Graves
"#MeToo - Why Has It Taken So Long?" Florence George Graves is an award-winning journalist and founding director of the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. Her reporting helped expose the imbalance of power between women and men in Washington long before the #metoo era.