Wednesday, 01 May 2019
CODAC Spring Sale
Day 1 of biannual sale of work by students in the integrated studio arts (undergraduate) and integrated visual arts (graduate) programs, sponsored by CODAC (College of Design Art Club). Work may include ceramics, prints, photos, woods, metals and textiles.
Open house: CALS Study Abroad Office
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Study Abroad Office will be open for all students to learn more about study abroad opportunities. Refreshments will be provided.
Comfort dogs will be available during dead week, along with chair massages and other stress-reducing activities.
Research workshop: Post-award Actions 201 (Session 2)
Take a deeper dive into post-award actions in our 201 session. This will be an interactive conversation where you can get answers to your questions and advice on how to handle unique situations with specific federal sponsors. You'll leave with some useful tools and resources you can use to be more efficient in your day-to-day work.
University honors program poster presentation
The university honors program invites the public to attend the spring 2019 poster presentation and reception featuring honors projects and spring and summer 2019 honors graduates.
Research Presentation: Carrie Wolinetz, National Institutes of Health
Carrie Wolinetz, acting chief of staff and associate director for the Office of Science Policy (OSP) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will be on campus to discuss sexual harassment and gender equality.
Exhibit opening reception
A new exhibit, "Winners of The Fashion Show 2019," opens May 1 and runs through June 28 in the Textiles and Clothing Museum's Mary Alice Gallery. Get a closer look at the winning garments from this year's show. Light refreshments will be served.