Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009
Grad Fair
One-stop shop for all your graduation needs. Pick up your cap & gown, buy your senior shirt & glass, get your resume critiqued, have your photo taken in your cap & gown, join the Alumni Association, & much more.
Meeting: TIAA-CREF, Roth option
"A New Way to Save for Retirement ... Introducing the Roth Option." You now have more flexibility with your retirement savings. Find out how making Roth contributions to your 403(b) plan can help you plan for the retirement lifestyle you've always imagined.
Forum: Obama's First 100 Days
"President Obama's First 100 Days," political commentator Arnie Arnesen and Steffen Schmidt, ISU political science.
Lecture: "Damned Lies and Statistics"
"Damned Lies and Statistics," Joel Best, University of Delaware, Newark. An accessible and humorous overview and critique of the way statistics are used and misused in media and public discourse.