Friday, 28 Feb 2025
ISU AfterDark
Students are invited to the Memorial Union from 9pm-1am to participate in a variety of FREE late night activities
Saturday, 01 Mar 2025
Paint Your Own Pottery: Cereal Bowl Week
Paint a bowl for your morning staple or late-night snack. When you pick up your bowl after firing, we will throw in a single-serve cereal box to get you started.
Concert: Campus and Concert Bands
Adults: $7 and students 18 or younger: $5. Tickets can be purchased at the door prior to the performance.
Cyclone Cinema: Moana 2
Cyclone Cinema is presented by the Student Union Board and showcases a variety of film genres, screening a different movie every weekend Thursday - Sunday during the semester. Sunday film screenings are in open caption format. All other screenings can be open caption as well, as long as the request is made to the staff prior to the movie starting.
Men's Basketball vs. Arizona
Iowa State men's basketball vs. Arizona. Game dates and times are subject to change. Check the Iowa State Athletics website and social media channels for updates.