Open Mic Night

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024 at 8:00 pm
Location:The Maintenance Shop
Channel:Memorial Union programs
Categories:Arts, performances Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
ISU students - are you looking to impress your fellow Cyclones with your singing, comedy, chainsaw juggling, or other talents? Then don't miss Open Mic Night at the M-Shop! (No chainsaw juggling, please)

Solo performers and/or simple set-ups only - NO FULL BANDS without prior approval from the SUB Performing Arts Directors

Performance slots reserved for current ISU students only - valid ISU student ID may be required

Artists must be on-site by 8pm and stay through their performance

SUB reserves the right to make changes to the line-up, remove artists, or end performances as they see fit

Performances last for NO MORE THAN 10 MINUTES or 2 SONGS

Must have prepared material