Dig In! Exploring Museums and Archives Zoom Talk

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 05 Nov 2024 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Location:Virtual on Zoom
Channel:University Museums
Categories:Arts, performances
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Thinking of applying to graduate school or a change in career that may focus on museums or archives? Join museum and archives employees as they share their educational journeys through graduate studies to their current positions, and answer questions on pursuing postgraduate degrees in these fields.

You can submit questions in advance or ask them during the Zoom session.

Guests include:

Heidi Lung, Director of Museum Studies, Western Illinois University

Tricia Bender, Artifact Collections Manager and Traveling Exhibit Coordinator, National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library

Rebecca Wells, Student Life Archivist, Parks Library

Sarah Bartlett, Museum Curator, Yolo County Historical Collection

Sonya Harwood-Johnson, International Program Assistant, Capstone International Center

Madisyn Rostro, Research Assistant at Chaco Cultural National Historical Park and Maxwell Fellow at Maxwell Museum of Anthropology


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