Film: Washed Ashore, Art to Save the Sea

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 09 Aug 2017 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Categories:Arts, performances
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The project, based in Bandon, Oregon, involves collecting, washing and sorting plastic that has washed up on Oregon beaches, and repurposing it into art that is awakening the hearts and minds of viewers to the global marine debris crisis. Reiman Gardens is the first botanical garden to exhibit a collection of monumental sculptures made from this debris, and we invite you to a free public viewing of this feature-length film to learn more.

Washed Ashore is a nonprofit community art project founded by artist and educator, Angela Haseltine Pozzi in 2010.

No preregistration required.
Free and Open to the Public