P&S Professional Development Conference

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 28 Feb 2017 from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm
Location:Scheman Building
Channel:Groups, governance
Categories:Conferences Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"Cultivate Your Adventure -- From Initiating to Innovating," with keynote by social justice, diversity and leadership expert Maura Cullen. Late registration fee ($15) applies after Jan. 31.

At the 2017 Professional and Scientific Council Professional Development Conference YOU will:
-- Plow the ground for a successful career by exploring campus resources
-- Sow the seeds for increased productivity by learning new skills and competencies
-- Grow relationships by networking with fellow P&S employees
-- Tend to your personal well-being and professional fulfillment
-- Reap the benefits of interacting with local and national experts
-- Sell yourself (and others) on professional development as a strategy for organizational success

Participants will have the opportunity to have a professional headshot taken by university photographer Chris Gannon and purchase professional development resources at the University Book Store's book table.