Workshop: ePortfolios - Enhancing metacognition in your course

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Date/Time:Friday, 04 Nov 2016 from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Do my students really know what they learned in my course? Do they recognize how their skills and thinking change over time? What evidence do they have that they've achieved course outcomes? ISUComm ePortfolios are a powerful tool that help students collect a variety of information from one or multiple courses in one place. They can document a large project, linking to drafts and feedback they've received along the way.

They can include video presentations and reflections. In this workshop Dr. Barbara Blakely, Director of ISUComm Foundation Courses, and her team of developers will share a new ePortfolio tool initiated in ENGL 150 and 250 classes, and help you discover how to harness students' ISUComm ePortfolios to enhance metacognition and display student projects in your course. Presenters will share examples of how ePortfolios have been used in a variety of classes to scaffold learning, collect artifacts in one place for holistic review by both students and instructors, and provide a place for student capstone projects that students will be able to access after the course has concluded. Attendees are invited to conceptualize and discuss how ISUComm ePortfolios might be used in their courses with hands-on help from presenters. Follow-up sessions will be provided to help instructors further develop specific pedagogical uses of this multi-media communication and learning tool in their own disciplines.

*Registration is required for this event prior to November 4, 2016.*

*Register for CELT events online through the Learn@ISU website website:*
1. Visit the Learn@ISU website
2. Login with your Net-ID (username) and password (upper right corner) *Note:* Your Net-ID will be the prefix in your ISU email account ([netid]
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4. Locate the Keyword search box (upper left section) > Input "CELT" > Click Search
5. Locate the program > Click List Events next to the appropriate cohort/program
6. Click Enroll - a pop-up window will appear
7. Click Register
8. You will receive an email with the subject: Enrollment Confirmation


By Email
Please include:
1. your name
2. your department
3. your position (instructor, faculty, P&S staff, or teaching or graduate assistantship)
4. name of the event
5. date of the event


By Phone at 294-5357.

This event is coordinated by The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching