Open house: SHOP food pantry

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Date/Time:Thursday, 18 Feb 2016 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Location:2616 Food Sciences Building
Channel:Student Activities
Categories:Meetings, receptions Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
The SHOP (Students Helping Our Peers), a student-run food pantry on the Iowa State campus, is celebrating its fifth anniversary. Open house guests who bring donate two nonperishable food or personal care items will receive a free SHOP T-shirt, while supplies last.

About SHOP
The SHOP, created by students for students to ensure food security on campus, currently serves 60-90 students per week during 13 open hours of operation, using over 230 student volunteers. Anyone of the campus community can take as much food as needed by simply showing a valid ISU ID. Mostly receiving donations from local churches, food pantries and other student clubs on campus, The SHOP's ultimate mission is helping students in times of need.