Live Webinar: Working with First-Year STEM Students

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall or view on your own
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
First-year students have to navigate so many different things - academic and personal - when they start college. For some, being in a large lecture hall could be totally foreign, and for others, they may need help getting up to speed on basic undergraduate STEM topics. How can instructors adapt their courses to help first-year students succeed in the sciences?

Hear from Dr. Pamela Bowen Smith as she discusses her experience at Pennsylvania's Bloosmburg University.

*Facilitated by:*
Pamela Bowen Smith, Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, Bloomsburg University

*CIRTL Cast Series: February: Learning in the Active STEM Classroom*
Research - and common sense - shows that students learn better in active classrooms when compared to traditional lecture-based courses. But with so many teaching methods to choose from, how do you know which are most beneficial? In this series we explore several innovative strategies designed to enhance STEM learning. This series is organized by University of Houston through the CIRTL Network.

*Registration is required for this event prior to February 9, 2016.*

*Register for CELT events online through the Learn@ISU website website:*
1. Visit the Learn@ISU website
2. Login with your Net-ID (username) and password (upper right corner)
3. Click the Login button
4. Locate the Keyword search box (upper left section) > Input "CELT" > Click Search
5. Locate the program > Click List Events next to the appropriate cohort/program
6. Click Enroll - a pop-up window will appear
7. Click Register
8. You will receive an email with the subject: Enrollment Confirmation

By Email
Please include:
1. your name
2. your department
3. your position (instructor, faculty, P&S staff, or teaching or graduate assistantship)
4. name of the event
5. date of the event

By Phone at 294-5357.

This event is coordinated by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT). Iowa State University is a member of The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. CIRTL is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. Visit the CIRTL website to learn more.