Live Webinar: Assessment Strategies for Flipped Learning Experiences

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 29 Sep 2015 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location:In-person viewing: 192 Seminar Room, Parks Library [On-Demand access following the event]
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Educators who want to ensure that their students are engaging fully with the course material need specialized assessment tools to evaluate their progress and make changes efficiently. This seminar aims to show educators in flipped learning classrooms the assessment options available and how to use them for the best results.

It goes without saying that the flipped class design differs in fundamental ways from more traditional learning environments. Knowing which tool to use and at what time can help you monitor students' progress and make efficient changes to the course design throughout the school year.

Assessment Strategies for Flipped Learning Experiences, a Magna Online Seminar (in-person viewing hosted by CELT), aims to show educators in flipped learning classrooms the assessment options available and how to use them for the best results.

Robert Talbert, an associate professor at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, will lead an enlightening discussion of these key strategies. Dr. Talbert is a pioneer in the use of flipped learning in university-level courses in mathematics and computer science, and an award-winning educator.

You'll explore the challenges and opportunities common to assessing flipped learning classrooms--in particular, the "pre-formative" assessment for assessing learning prior to class time, formative assessment strategies during class time, and summative assessments appropriate for post-class time.

You'll discover ways for students to demonstrate what they know before they come into class, such as Google Forms or LMS-based quizzes. You'll see how to administer them in ways that reward effort and do not penalize mistakes.

You'll learn how to use the feedback along with in-class formative assessments to guide student work during the in-class phase and to set up students' post-class work. Participants in the seminar will be actively involved in discussing assessment strategies with flipped learning.

Dr. Talbert will also conduct several short activities during the presentation for a practical, interactive session.

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This event is coordinated by The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and learning space provided by Parks Library