Seminar: Structure of Assignments and Grading in Game-Based Learning

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 17 Nov 2015 from 12:10 pm to 2:00 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This session will discuss potential strategies for assessing and evaluating students in a course implementing game-based learning. This includes planning for student understanding, point thresholds, focusing on mastery instead of mistakes, and frequency of assessments and feedback. After this discussion, the session will take on a workshop format. Participants will be given time to work on and discuss their own courses using ideas discussed throu

Participants will be given time to work on and discuss their own courses using ideas discussed throughout the semester. The facilitators of the session will work with individuals and groups as they think about applying these ideas to their own courses.

Sept. 15, Oct. 13*, Nov. 17*, 2015
*An additional hour for hands-on application and additional pedagogical discussion

About Game-Based Learning Faculty/Staff Learning Community
These interactive discussions will examine how game based learning may guide our students' learning processes and enhance your curriculum. We will also explore how gamification is changing society, and its impact on education. Facilitators: Dennis Culver, Instructional Support Specialist, CTLT; and Wei Wang, Instructional Support Specialist, CELT.

Registration IS required at least 48 hours prior to the event
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About Faculty/Staff Learning Communities
Members of Faculty and Staff Teaching and Learning Communities are multidisciplinary faculty and professionals who attend monthly or bi-weekly meetings to engage in a topic related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Unless noted - registration is not required for these meetings.

Coordinated by Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)