Webinar: "STEMming the Confidence Gap with Piazza Technology"

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location:Register for the webinar
Cost:Free online webinar
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
In "STEMming the Confidence Gap with Piazza Technology" you will learn how 30,000 faculty worldwide foster inclusive student interaction using a FREE social learning platform called "Piazza." Piazza is a 24/7 virtual learning-place where students gather to ask, answer and explore classroom material with educators guidance.

In this FREE webinar, you will learn how this research-based, easy-to-adopt platform helps faculty to:

== Give a voice to every student!
== Save time and reduce educator email volume
== Proactively address students' content questions
== Facilitate belonging and active student learning

The intent of CELT promoting this webinar is to provide instructors with additional ideas on how to actively engage students.

PLEASE NOTE: Piazza is an interactive instructional tool that is NOT CURRENTLY a building block in Iowa State University's Blackboard Learn; nor is it centrally supported by the University. If you would like to have it vetted for Blackboard Learn submit a TechStarter proposal.

Pooja Sankar, Piazza Founder and CEO
Pooja Sankar founded Piazza based on her experience as one of a few women among many men studying computer science. The social learning platform she developed provides a means for all students to engage in the learning conversation. Piazza now serves over 700,000 students, including virtually all computer science students at top US school. Pooja has a MS in Computer Science (Un. of Maryland) and an MBA (Stanford Business School.)

Jessica Gilmartin, Piazza Chief Business Officer
Jessica Gilmartin brings extensive product marketing experience to Piazza, including co-founding a company that was acquired by Google. In this webinar she will share research on the dramatic positive engagement differences Piazza creates, especially for women students. Jessica has an MBA (Wharton School of Business at Un. of Pennsylvania).

David Gries, Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University
David Gries has taught Computer Science at Cornell University since 1969. For the past 3-4 years, he has taught an introductory programming course to hundreds of students each semester. David believes Piazza to be THE tool for engaging students in an efficient, effective and inclusive manner. He is a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow (1995) for undergraduate education and has four professional society awards for undergraduate computer science education. David has a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Munich Institute of Technology).

Engineering Inclusive Teaching
This webinar is a product of the Engineering Inclusive Teaching (EIT) project, a 3-year program led by WEPAN and funded by the National Science Foundation. Click here to Learn more about the project and sign up to be included on the EIT mailing list

Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Research on Gender in Science and Engineering under award HRD-1203164. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.