Webinar: Advising Strategies for Students on Academic Probation

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 03 Mar 2015 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
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In 2010 and 2013, the NACADA Probation/Dismissal/Reinstatement Issues Interest Group sponsored webinars in which panelists discussed how we define "student on academic probation," factors that place students at risk for being placed on probation, typical probationary policies, stakeholders responsible for supporting students on academic probation, and the role and responsibilities of those who advise these students.

Webinar participants have responded to these events with requests for additional strategies to assist them in meeting the needs of these struggling students. NACADA has responded to those requests with the development of a Pocket Guide and recruitment of articles for NACADA's, Academic Advising Today, on this topic. Join authors from these publications to discuss the good work being done at their institutions to help academically at risk students find their way to successful degree completion. Topics to be addressed include:
== What happens when chronically struggling students are given another chance?
== Maximizing the use of an early alert system through advisor outreach
== Individualizing an academic probation program through institutional partnerships

Offered in collaboration with the Iowa State University Academic Success Center

Primary audience: Academic and Faculty Advisers.

Registration required no later than February 27. Click here to register online.