Academic Wealth Management: Helping High School Students & Families Make Early College Credit a Good Investment

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 15 Apr 2015 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
When does college begin? Today more than half the students entering directly from high school have earned some college credit before they matriculate. Academic advisers are rarely involved in those decisions. This session will present a creative approach to help students and families make more strategic decisions about early college credit.

The presenters will draw an analogy with financial advisers to frame the conversation as academic wealth management. The goal is to help students and families view early college credit as an investment in higher education not just a random set of classes and credits. The quantitative and qualitative results of a longitudinal study of Iowa State University students with early college credit prompted the development of this strategy. PPresenters: Jane Jacobson, Director of Student Enrollment, Advising and Career Services, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; and Dana Schumacher, Assistant Director for Scholarship and Research, University Honors Program.

Primary audience: Academic and Faculty Advisers.

Registration required no later than April 10. Click here to register online.