25th Annual David W. Staniforth Memorial Lecture

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 15 Apr 2014 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:National Swine Research and Information Center (NSRIC) Room 1131
Contact:Michael Owen
Channel:Agronomy Department
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"Herbicide Resistance: Will Voluntary Measures Work or Is Regulation Inevitable?" Dr. David Ervin, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Management and Economics, Senior Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Solutions, Portland State University, Portland, Ore.

The 25th Annual David W. Staniforth Memorial Lecture will be presented by Dr. David E. Ervin.

The David W. Staniforth is the only endowed lecture series dedicated to topics related to weeds including but not limited to biology, ecology, physiology, management and related policy issues in the United States. Dr. Staniforth was not only a pioneer in applying a diversity of strategies to the management of weeds, but also recognized the implications of weed management on the environmental and regulatory aspects of agriculture. Given the global changes in agriculture since his untimely passing, and specifically the impact of genetically engineered crops on weed management and the indirect causality of escalating evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds, it is appropriate that the silver anniversary David W. Staniforth Lecture address important agricultural issues related to weeds that have significant regulatory and policy implications.
The 25th Staniforth Lecturer is Dr. David Ervin. David Ervin is a Professor Emeritus of Environmental Management and Economics and a Senior Fellow in the Institute for Sustainable Solutions at Portland State University. His prior appointments include Professor and Head of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Oregon State University, Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Chief of Resource Policy Branch in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, Visiting Scholar at the Office of Technology Assessment, and Director of Policy Studies for the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture. He holds BS and MS degrees from The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. from Oregon State University. He has taught courses in environmental economics, economics of sustainability, and business environmental management. His current research areas include ecosystem services and urbanizing regions, business environmental management, and the sustainability of genetically engineered crops. He is the Principal Investigator of a National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) project "Ecosystem Services for Urbanizing Regions." During 2008-2010, he chaired the National Research Council's Committee "Impact of Biotechnology on Farm Sustainability in the United States." He also directed two multidisciplinary research projects: "Public Goods and University-Industry Relationships in Agricultural Biotechnology" funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and "Oregon Business Decisions for Environmental Management" supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Recent journal articles include "Herbicide Resistance: Integrating Social Science into Understanding and Managing Weed Resistance and Associated Environmental Impacts" in Weed Science, "Motivations and Barriers to Corporate Environmental Management" in Business Strategy and the Environment, "Productivity and Financial Support in Academic Bioscience," in Applied Economics, "Academic-Industrial Relationships, Academic Scientists' Values, and Agricultural Biotechnology" in Research Policy, "Are Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture Compatible?" in Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, "Research Choice and Finance in University Bioscience," in the Southern Economic Journal, "Towards an Ecological Systems Approach in Public Research for Environmental Regulation of Transgenic Crops" in Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, and "Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development: The case of transgenic crops" in Science, Technology and Human Values. He was a visiting scholar in the Department of Land Economy at Cambridge University in 1986-87 and in 2008. His consulting assignments include work for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Commission, and the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. He speaks to local, national and international audiences on business environmental management, ecosystem service management issues, and university-industry biotechnology research topics.
The Staniforth Lecture Committee is honored to have someone with the considerable national and international reputation enjoyed by Dr. David Ervin to present the 25th Annual David W. Staniforth Memorial Lecture. Given the emphasis Dr. Staniforth placed on a broad suite of topics related to weeds: the innovative management tactics developed and promoted by Dr. Staniforth and the importance he placed on the adoption of a holistic appreciation of how weed management affects society, Dr. Ervin is an outstanding candidate to represent the spirit and philosophy put forward by Dr. Staniforth. David W. Staniforth Lecture Committee in the Agronomy Department welcomes Dr. David Ervin as the 25th Annual David W. Staniforth Lecturer to Iowa State University.