Roundtable: The Blended Learning Brown-bag*: Implementation of Hybrid Course Design

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Date/Time:Monday, 21 Apr 2014 from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:1230 Communications Building
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Hybrid instruction is an educational approach that combines traditional face-to-face instruction and online instruction with the premise of providing the benefits of the two formats (Lamport & Hill, 2012). When executed correctly, hybrid learning has been proven to increase efficiency for the institution and learning for the students (Mitchell & Honore, 2007).

Sponsored by the ISU Online Learning Innovation Hub (CELT)

In this presentation, the conversion of a three credit junior level construction engineering course to the hybrid format will be presented. The detailed process of the online material development process, re-design of the face-to-face component, team and tools needed, and the time and financial investments needed will be discussed. This information is intended to help other instructors make improved predictions of the investment required to develop a hybrid learning course. Bring your brown bag lunch to this 15 minute presentation followed by active discussion.

Aliye Karabulut Ilgu, Postdoc Research Associate, Civil, Construction & Environmental Eng
Charles Jahren, Professor, W.A. Klinger Teaching Professor in Civil Engineering, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

* The Blended Learning Brown-bag Roundtable is a monthly directed discussion and open-forum focused on blended learning practices and opportunities at Iowa State. Each forum will begin with a short presentation (15 min) followed by an open discussion. All are welcome and invited to bring a lunch.

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