Tele-workshop: How to develop a daily writing practice

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 26 Mar 2014 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Location:Online Tele-Workshop - National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development
Channel:Academic Affairs
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Are you tired of your deadline-driven, binge-and-bust writing routine? Do you wish you could develop a healthy, consistent, daily writing routine that would allow you to meet your department's expectations for tenure and promotion?

In this workshop you'll learn:
The three biggest myths about writing that hobble new faculty productivity
The surprising difference between struggling new faculty members and those who are designated as "rising stars"
The 30-minute strategy that will increase your writing productivity AND decrease your stress, anxiety and guilt
And much more...

Facilitator: Kerry Ann Rockquemore, PhD, NCFDD Director

This event will be held online: []

Go to NCFDD after having activated your institutional sub membership.

How to activate your membership account in the NCFDD
1. Go to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity website
2. Select the "Become a Member" tab and choose "Individual Membership" (Do not follow the "Click here to become a member" link in the middle of the center's homepage)
3. In the middle of the Individual Membership page, select "Click Here"
4. On the "Select Your Member Type" page, select the third option, "Institutional Sub-Account"
5. On the "Select a Username" page, enter your ISU-issued email address in the first "Username" box and complete the registration process
6. You will receive an email within 24 hours confirming that your account is active