Panel: What Matters to Me and Why

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Date/Time:Thursday, 29 Nov 2012 at 8:00 pm
Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Student activities
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A panel discussion featuring ISU students, faculty and staff sharing and reflecting on their values, beliefs and motivations. Interested students are encouraged to visit and share their stories and thoughts. Select submissions will be shared as part of the event.

We want to know what matters to YOU - the voice of our generation - and why. Please share at

Featured speakers include:
-- Dave Arends, ISU senior, 2013 Iowa State Dance Marathon co-director
-- Onalie Ariyabandhu, ISU sophomore, survivor of 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami
-- Moses Bomett, ISU senior, founder of Hope 4 Africa Inc.
-- Katie Brown, ISU junior, GSB Vice-President/Iowa State Band member
-- Michael Bugeja, director and professor, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication
-- Meaghan Nelson, ISU senior, student-athlete, Women's Track and Field All-Big 12/All-American
-- Merry Rankin, ISU Director of Sustainability
-- Clinton Stephens, ISU Scholar in Residence for Leadership Education
-- Ethan Subra, ISU senior, ISU Army ROTC Program public relations officer, Cadet Major, writer for Ethos Magazine
-- Augustine Villa, first-year ISU student, cancer survivor and now a cancer research intern at Iowa State