Open house: Writing and Media Center

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 07 Nov 2012 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Location:300 Carver Hall
Channel:ISU Surplus
Categories:Meetings, receptions
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The open house will showcase renovations and technology upgrades at the Writing and Media Center. The new SMART Board and Mac Lab allow peer tutors to assist students who are working on multimedia assignments and other forms of electronic communication, as well as essays and oral presentations. Please join us for a 1 p.m. ribbon cutting and refreshments, and welcome the center's new director, Dr. Rachel Azima.

Formerly known as the Writing and Media Help Center, the newly renamed Writing and Media Center supports undergraduate students at all levels and in all disciplines, providing one-on-one feedback at any stage of the composing process. The WMC also supports communication across the curriculum initiatives, offering support for faculty across the university who are incorporating writing into their courses.