Exhibition reception

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Date/Time:Monday, 05 Nov 2012 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location:Lightfoot Forum, College of Design
Channel:College of Design
Categories:Arts, performances Meetings, receptions
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"Adaptive Interface: Light, Space and Comfort" features the work of eight ISU architecture students who studied in Germany. Refreshments will be served.

The work of eight Iowa State University architecture students who studied in Germany this past June will be on display Nov. 5-12 in the Lyle E. Lightfoot Forum of the ISU College of Design. The "Adaptive Interface: Light, Space and Comfort" exhibition will highlight projects the students developed during the five-week Berlin Summer Academy, a joint program offered by the College of Design and ars Berlin, a study-abroad program at Beuth University Berlin, in conjunction with the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Florence, Italy; University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany, and Buro Happold international engineering consultants.