Staniforth Memorial Lecture

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Date/Time:Thursday, 26 Apr 2012 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:1131 National Swine Research and Information Center
Contact:Micheal Owen,
Channel:Agronomy Department
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"Field Weeds, Field Margins and Biodiversity: Ecological and Geographical Perspectives," Jon Marshall, director, Marshall Agroecology Limited. Marshall is an academic journal editor and research ecologist specializing in agroecology, vegetation management, weed science and the interactions between crop and non-crop habitat on farms. A reception will follow in the Agronomy Hall commons. This is the 23rd Annual David W. Staniforth Memorial Lecture.

Marshall's research focused on aspects of vegetation management, first on aquatic weed control at the UK Freshwater Biological Association and then at the Weed Research Organization, Oxford, UK. He subsequently worked on non-crop vegetation management, including roadside verges, country parks and amenity areas. Dr. Marshall led the Agroecology Group at Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol, UK, where his research focused on vegetation management on farms, including interactions between arable crops and field boundaries. Other research topics of interest to Dr. Marshall have included non-target effects of herbicides, the conservation of floral diversity, habitat creation and weed dynamics as affected by field boundaries and crop edges, as well as the ecological impacts of field margin management. His studies on weed movement and herbicide impacts led to the development and wide-spread adoption of sown field margin buffer strips for arable fields. The technique is now supported by UK agri-environmental schemes; farmers are given financial support to create and manage these areas with the techniques developed by Dr. Marshall.

In 2001, Dr. Marshall formed the small research company Marshall Agroecology Limited and now he works as an independent scientist and consultant specializing in the ecology of farmland. Dr. Marshall retains academic status at the University of Bristol, UK where he is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Faculty of Science. Marshall is also an Associate Researcher with the Republic of Korea Rural Development Administration and is an External Examiner of Ph.D. theses at the universities of Bristol, Reading, Sussex, Liverpool, Buckingham, Rennes, Wageningen, Lieden, Queensland, Regensberg and Dijon.