Hort Club: Poinsettia sale

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Date/Time:Thursday, 01 Dec 2011 from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Location:Beardshear, ground floor
Channel:Student Activities
Categories:Student activities
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Poinsettia sales by the ISU Horticulture Club. Many varieties and sizes available. Proceeds of the sale help club members pay for educational trips and speakers, registration at conferences and competitions, and practical hands-on learning.

Campus sales
Tuesday, Nov. 29, Horticulture Hall greenhouse, 4pm-6pm
Wednesday, Nov. 30, Curtiss Hall first floor, 9am-5:30pm
Thursday, Dec. 1, Beardshear Hall ground floor, 9am-5:30pm
Friday, Dec. 2, Memorial Union (UBS), 10am-4pm
Saturday, Dec. 3, Reiman Gardens, 9am-noon