STEM Education Collaboration Coffee

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 13 Dec 2011 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Location:N008 Lagomarcino Hall
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Categories:Meetings, receptions
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
CESMEE interim director Frankie Santos Laanan will introduce the NSF solicitation for the Transforming STEM Learning (TSL) program, and Diane Rover, director of the Strengthening the Professoriate @ ISU program, will introduce developing quality Broader Impact programs, which can significantly strengthen NSF proposals.

Participants may wish to pre-read the TSL solicitation (;from=fund). The goal is to facilitate a focused dialogue about funding and collaborative opportunities. Additionally, the session will provide an opportunity for colleagues to discuss possible funding sources and/or identify potential collaborators.

The Center for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education (CESMEE) invites those interested in STEM education to its next collaboration coffee. All students, faculty and staff are invited.

These coffees help create connections across campus, help researchers and educators expand their understanding of STEM projects at ISU, and open the doors for future collaborative opportunities.