Lecture: Stories and Revelations from a Postmodern Travel Writer

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Date/Time:Monday, 27 Feb 2012 at 4:00 pm
Location:Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Live Green
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Rolf Potts has reported from more than sixty countries for the likes of National Geographic Traveler, The New Yorker, Slate.com and Outside. He is perhaps best known for promoting the ethic of independent travel and his book on the subject, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. Symposium on Wildness, Wilderness & the Creative Imagination


This lecture was made possible in part by the generosity of F. Wendell Miller, who left his entire estate jointly to Iowa State University and the University of Iowa. Mr. Miller, who died in 1995 at age 97, was born in Altoona, Illinois, grew up in Rockwell City, graduated from Grinnell College and Harvard Law School and practiced law in Des Moines and Chicago before returning to Rockwell City to manage his family's farm holdings and to practice law. His will helped to establish the F. Wendell Miller Trust, the annual earnings on which, in part, helped to support this activity.