SAC presents: Fresh Fotos Exhibit Reception

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Date/Time:Thursday, 16 Sep 2010 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location:Gallery, Memorial Union
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:Student Engagement
Categories:Arts, performances Meetings, receptions
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
During the fall 2009, 10 freshmen were given digital cameras to document their first year at Iowa State. Five images from each student will be exhibited depicting class, residence halls, friends, athletic events, changing season and ISU's scenic campus. The reception will celebrate last year's participant as well as be the kick off for the new group of freshmen continuing this tradition.

What is Fresh Fotos?
Fresh Fotos will give twelve first year students the opportunity to document your first year experience at ISU. Photos will be posted on the Student Activities Center website and updated periodically so that others (students, faculty, staff, friends, and potential ISU students) can share in your journey. 2010-2011 is the third year of this inventive program!

The project is designed to be fun with just the right amount of commitment from you. Your first year is a busy time of learning and growing where you will experience many new activities and make new friends.

How Does this Project Work?
The Student Activities Center will lend you a digital camera and give you guidance in how to document your experiences. Each month you will upload and comment on your photos. We want you to share why you took the photo and what it means to you.

We will meet bi-weekly on Mondays from 4-5pm to talk about your photos. We want your feedback about what you are experiencing and learning. Share what you love at ISU as well as what you believe could be improved.

Toward the end of the school year we will ask each student to choose 5 photos that will be exhibited in the MU Gallery in September 2011. During the summer the photos will be printed and framed to prepare for exhibition. Since we hope this will be an ongoing project, future participants can go to the exhibit and see how you, a member of the first Fresh Fotos group, experienced your freshman year.

Who Else is Involved?
We have a knowledgeable group of ISU people who will assist with the project.
Jennifer Nissen - Coordinator for Leadership and Service
Letitia Kenemer - Fine Arts Coordinator
Dan Neubauer- Intern, MU Fine Arts Program

How Do I Get Involved?
The 2010-2011 application period has closed. Please look for information about the 2011-2012 application in Summer 2010.

Contact Jennifer Nissen or Letitia Kenemer in the Student Activities Center at 515.294.8081 or e-mail

freshfotos (at) iastate (dot) edu